Read Across Jamaica

Image result for read across jamaica day 2017Image result for read across jamaica day 2017

Read Across Jamaica 2017 is under theme" LITERACY MATTERS - READ ALOUDS PROMOTE

Therefore today, May 09, 2017, the entire island of Jamaica is promoting reading with Read Across Jamaica as the pilot.

Read Across Jamaica is an international literacy program formed to foster a love of reading in children in Jamaica and the Diaspora. Since 2003 we have been collecting and distributing books to schools in Jamaica and engaging young people in literacy activities during our yearly trips to the island.

Literacy opens doors and creates opportunities. Access to education is key to helping young people develop and realize their goals and providing books is a vehicle to accomplish them. Our goal is to help Jamaica achieve a 100% literacy rate for its students.

Can you remember reading your first book?
Pick up a book today and let us start reading for a brighter future....

Image result for read across jamaica day 2017

Visit them online at and LIKE their Facebook page: ReadAcrossJA and Twitter:@ReadJamaica


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