Rain Rain and More Rain

The rain came pouring down from Saturday night the 13th May 2017.It kept going and going, due to the rain the usual Sunday garage collection didn't occur. So it was indoor all day.......
Monday morning it was still raining but off I went to work. Then about 9 am I got a call from my mom my son was vomiting. So I rushed home and took him to the doctor. The doctors office had lots of patients for we had to wait as well it showed signs of the rain that fell all weekend ...with water spot along the floor covered with paper. By the time I was finished with the doctor and the pharmacy it was too late to head back to work . So ended up staying at home with my son who didn't want to leave my arms.
Then came the rain again Monday night and woke up to it on Tuesday morning. Listen and watch the news and heard about the storm system. So I got ran a sat staring outside for it to break long enough for me to head to the bus stop. Once I noticed it wasn't felling as hard I headed out to the bus stop.
So section of the sidewalks and road had water coverage so I had to get my shoe a little wet.
The umbrella at times seems like it wasn't much help. Heading towards the bus stop at one point I had to be walking in the road and looking back to watch the oncoming traffic. The bus stop has only a small roof so many people were all together trying not to get wet by the rain. After a good while at the bus stop and no bus in sight and decided to head back home....
Watching the news and seeing the damage done my this system I was very happy to stay home... warm and dry>>>


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