Office Romance

Office Romance

This is a very strong topic that will have persons who are opposed and  argue that romantic attachments disturb the equilibrium of the workplace, interfere with professionalism, and unnecessarily confuse work and pleasure. While other will this see it as love can be found any and everywhere.

I have always been of the strong belief that I cannot get into a relationship with a coworker, and you know what kind of relationship I am talking about. I see it happens over and over again.And I wonder how can you separate your love or sexual attracts for this person see them basically 24/7. Wouldn't your blood be boiling inside and your heart drumming every beat each time they walk by and give you that smile that makes you melt.
I have met many guys through my place of work that I have really had the hots for. But the thought of a relationship affecting my work environment is a strong factor.
I am sorry but I do flirt a little and after I am human. But that is it.........

Let's pretend I am in relationship with  my co worker it would have some or all of the below effects/occurance in trying to hide the fact they were are a couple or for simply just being a couple:
1. Avoiding eye contact-so it doesn't look too obvious we can't keep our eyes off each other
2.Always leaving and arriving at the office together-sincw we are coming from the same location
3.Work lots of overtime-so we can have more time together
4.Always fiercely defending each other-as no one can say that my baby is wrong.
5.Vacation and sick days keep matching up
6. Extra time is spent on looking good for work
7. We will start being the main gossip of the office- as everyone would have an opinion about the relationship.
8. Being excluded from some of your usual groups.Some co workers may go as far as to try and avoid hanging around the party involved.

A new survey from shows that nearly one third of workers who had office romances eventually married their colleagues. Herewith, ten powerful couples who met and/or dated through work, and wound up together.

The below are power couple who fell in love at work

Bill and Melinda Gates
Met at a 1987 Microsoft press event in Manhattan and married in 1994. They married on Jan. 1, 1994, on the Hawaiian island of Lanai. The couple has three children. 

Barack and Michele Obama
Met in 1989, when Michelle was assigned to supervise Barack, a summer associate from Harvard Law School, at a Chicago firm. Married in 1992. They have two children.

Leslie Moonves and Julie Chen
The president and CEO of CBS met the then-Early Show anchor on the job. Moonves left his first wife of 26 years and married Chen in 2004. They have one child.

So I leave it up to each individual to decide what is it they want and do want please them.

Well I will never kiss and tell :-)


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