Mother Earth

Blessed Mother Earth today is your day
Continue to shine as beautiful as you do
As I will forever do my part to protect you
There are times I wish I could wrap you up in a blanket so tight
To prevent you from all the negative vibes of pollution
I can see in cutting through your skin
and there is little I can do
I wish, there was so much more I can do

Mother Earth, with all the headache we have given you
you still provide for us
giving us food, shelter, water, warmth and fresh air to fill up our lung
Mother Earth, you beauty and mysteries have the world in amazement
and will for many years , centuries to come
You alone can do what you do, no matter how they try to duplicate and replicate
They cannot do it like you

Mother Earth, I pray to God that you will stay stronger
For my generation and my children's generation
So my brothers and sister just try and do you part
to protect Mother Earth.......

Happy Earth Day, Mother Earth!!!!!


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