While reviewing this website designed by the Jamaica Gleaner Company by the name "diGJamaica ". The fact of know how much the Jamaica Prime Minister earning yearly caught my eyes and therefore I had to share this knowledge with you. This site gives alot of very interesting fact that we all would have appealling to the mind . So I suggest you check out this site. http://www.digjamaica.com/home
Applications NOW OPEN for Summer Employment for BCIC Jamaica Visit :https://www.interns.icdgroup.net/ Applications NOW OPEN for Summer Employment! Please send your applications to Human Resource Specialist Jamaica Energy Partners Wikip Place, Marcus Garvey Drive, Kingston Deadline: May 18, 2018 Email: hr@jamenergy.com Apply now to the HOPE Youth Summer Work Programme at any NYS/ HEART office or visit nysjamaica.org. Application Deadline: April 13, 2018. Petrojam Summer and Graduate Internship Programme http://www.petrojam.com/jobs
I am the person who always pays bills on time so for the first time I ended up paying my Jamaica Public Service bill late . To my surprise their late fee attracts GCT. So normally I would benefit a JMD$250 credit for early payment. Now I will have an additional cost of $291.25 ( $250 for late charge and 41.25 for GCT on that late charge). I was soooooo shock when I opened my account this morning... But is this right?
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