What is going on??????

Every day I turn on the television or take up a newspaper , I keep on getting the greats shocks of my life.
Have we become such animals that we are willing to murder, beat, killed and rape with no regard anywhere and anytime. Not caring about who sees and what impact it will have on our society.

Are we really this heartless?????
What the hell is going on???

Teacher Attacked, Assaulted In Front Of Students At Dunrobin Primary


Mob Kills School Teacher

8-Y-O Among Five Raped

Father, I come to you now on my knees to give to you this Land I call my home "JAMAICA".
I ask that you cover it with your blood , protect every citizen under your wing
Let these persons who have lost their way find their way back to you
We need you at the hour, to guide us on the right path
Never leave my side dear Lord as I walk through the deepest valley
Let your will be done in your son precious name


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