No clothes

When Adam and Eve noticed they were nude they chose to make clothing from the plants around them as they were ashamed of their nudity. Growing up I never saw my mom exposing herself to the elements of nature and for the viewing pleasure of every and everyone.
So I beg to wonder have, the women of my society today "shame tree died". When have we become so shameless that we are willing to walk the streets in little to nothing. Women, we needed to let men blood boil within their veins and yet still be a lady. Remember the streets aren't your bedrooms. Yet these women who parade themselves this way wonder why they cannot find a husband. Most men even if they don't want to admit to it "want a lady in the streets and freak in his bed". Yes, he will be eyeing you in the club and rubbing up against you, but admit it all that is go through his mind is will I get to hit this tonight. Have you ever wondered why a man would date a girl who "wears no clothes" but as soon as they get serious he be like where you think you going dressed like that.
I am so proud of my ladies who continuous dress like a lady and still steal the show and spot light from these vaguely clothed women. Who says you have to be naked to be sexy.


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