Police Why??????

It is a day like any other day, when we would ask our self. What are these police really doing?

Today on a bus heading from Cross Road to Constant Spring . Upon approaching the "Coaster Bus Park" between Burger King and the Halfway Tree transportation center ,where buses on the route Constant Spring to Downtown via Halfway Tree & Cross Road have paid to park. A police insisted on the bus not letting off an passengers and stated the bus need to go to Eastwood Park Road ( where there is no bus stop for halfway tree) to let off the passenger. Since the traffic act clear states that a police officer can overwrite the rules of the road. The driver proceed with great difficulty to this spot which is know of the famous "$3,000.00 dollars ticket".

Driving along Eastwood Park Road the driver carefully, check to see if it is possible to left off any passenger ended up behind a parked truck. In navigating from behind this truck, the bus driver was pulled out by a police man who insisted the driver was stopping in a no stopping zone and letting off passenger which was never the case.

The bus driver tries to explain the situation to the police officer, who will hear or listen to nothing that was being said. And in his view saw this a situation he couldn't handle . He then took out his radio and called for backup that show up in not time. So here we are with a police car parked on the driver's door and a police car parked to the back of the bus. 

The passengers , conductor and driver try again to explain that there was no rule broken. But still the driver was given the famous"$3,000.00 dollars ticket". This beg me to wonder what is wrong with our police officers and were they not given training to analyse various situations. All he had to do to contact the officer (less than 3 feet away on the street between Burger King and the Halfway Tree transportation center ), if it was a case that he don't believe what we were trying to explain.


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