Good Morning Kingston, Jamaica

Every day on route to work in the mornings I have always marveled at how beautiful, creative and lively nature is. Yet,we failed to appreciate the beauty we hold within our hands,this land we call "JAMAICA". As look through my bus window rolling over the bridge from Portmore to Kingston staring at a fisherman's boat  riding the waves out to sea with the flocks of birds hovering over and the back drop of the Kingston pier. Ships all a deck waiting on their turn ready to be unloaded. Yes, I do see you too Mr Sun peeking through the mountains as I shield my eyes  from the glare . Kingston, in the early morning has such a peaceful soul. Compared to the hustle and bustle of a midday shopping in the town. Driving through the town all the shops are closed except for those serving breakfast to patrons heading off to work. Fruit vendors with their carts laden with each color of the rainbow. I see the orange, bananas, pineapple, mangoes...... and I could go on forever.
So I say GOOD MORNING KINGSTON!!! and have a great day


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