A Mother's Love

The love of a mother is one of the worlds strongest and greatest love of all time. A bond that cannot be broken by man or time. Giving birth to a child isn't the only means nor does it certify that the person is a mother.

The Oxford Dictionary defines a mother as :
1.-a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth
2.-a female animal in relation to its offspring
3.-the head of a female religious community.

On one occasion on the bus I noticed a marvellous action taken by a lady on the bus. Two young boys, who attended the same school, got on to the bus along Lyndhurst Road. One young had Fifty Dollars and the other had One Hundred Dollars (cost of the bus fare is $20.00), however the driver don't have enough change. She gave the one with the Fifty Dollars Ten Dollars and told both young boys that upon arrive at school to change the One Hundred Dollar and give him the additional change of Twenty Dollars.
But the young with who had the Fifty Dollars was dissatisfied with this solution which could be felt throughout the bus. So this young lady got up from her seat and gently leaded both young boys to a seat and started to explain the situation to them. At this point the young boy who hadn't got back all his change was crying and insisting he wanted his money. So the young lady when into her purse in search of change for the One Hundred Dollars. She changed the money and gave them both their change. Then the young man who was crying ,she held him in her arms and comforted him. This bought on a smile on my face and then I started thinking about my mommy. In this situation even though she wasn't his mother she spread her motherly love to these young boys.


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