Beware Of Scammers

Everyone thinks differently, but the case of the current scaming issue, I cannot see how some people get caught by these famous scammers. Let us think about it really hard. Someone calls to tell you that you won a lotto that you have never entered in. And then has the nerve to tell me that I have to send them money to get the money I just won.

Mi know mi a no idoit!!

Why wouldn't they just take the money (charges) out of what I have won and just send me the balance?
Come on people we need to think on our feet.
Are we are too blind by this get rich quick mentally that we cannot see through these very easy scams.
So mister scammer , me have worked too hard for my money to just give it away. After the goverment have taken so much already.

I wonder how they can sleep a night knowing they have taken a persons life savings, but after all some persons just don't care. Like blood don't run through their heart.


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